Prevent Yeast Infections Ahead Of Time With These Tips

Almost every woman gets a yeast infection some time in their life. When this happens, it is extremely important to know what you should do to help alleviate yourself of its symptoms. Use the advice offered below to help you treat the symptoms and cure the infection.

After doing any activity that works up a sweat, make sure you change your clothes promptly. Changing clothes keeps the body fresh and prevents a potential infection.

Excess perspiration leads to a humid and warm environment. This environment is, unfortunately, ideal for moisture-loving yeast. Natural and organic materials are the best clothing choices. Natural fibers are more breathable and are better able to handle moisture. Stay away from synthetic materials such as spandex, nylon or Lycra. They keep moisture right against your most sensitive bits.

Consider your bath products as a possible cause for chronic yeast infections. Soaps and cleansers containing dyes and fragrances should be avoided. The chemicals in these products can alter the pH levels and can cause an imbalance that will lead to a yeast infection. Instead, you should use only mild, hypoallergenic products.

Avoid anything scented near the genital area. Perfumed sprays and soaps can irritate the area and promote the development of a yeast infection. This especially refers to tampons or pads that are in direct contact with your vaginal area. Also, don’t use toilet paper with colored dyes.

Take a warm bath at night and add two cups of cider vinegar to the bath water. Vinegar is good at balancing natural pH levels which keeps yeast growth at bay. Don’t soak your body in the bathtub longer than you usually do. As an alternative, you can also try a vinegar douche.

Genital Area

If you want to avoid yeast infections, do proper self-hygiene. Thoroughly clean the genital area. Next, dry your genital area thoroughly; you may even want to think about using a hair dryer in order to get this task done effectively. Yeast will thrive in a moist environment, so to prevent this you will need to get the area really dry.

Make sure you do not wear very tight clothing or synthetic fabrics. Tight underwear tends to thwart circulation and trap dampness and heat. Moist and wet environments encourage yeast infections. Look for clothes made in breathable fabrics like cotton; wear them loosely.

If you tend to get yeast infections, monitor what you eat. Eating foods that are too rich in sugar could cause these frequent infections. Upon realization that certain dietary intakes may be leading to yeast infection, you should attempt to remove those foods and replace them with alternatives consisting of vegetables or fruits, instead.

Discussing yeast infections can feel very embarrassing, but it is crucial to understand how to treat this uncomfortable condition. Thankfully, you’ve read this article and are now armed for the future.

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