Tired Of Sneezing? Follow This Allergy Advice

Poets sing the praises of the springtime, with its warm weather and blooming plants. Allergy sufferers, though, dread the itching eyes, congested noses, and sneezes that spring brings to them. If you happen to be one of many who suffers from seasonal allergies, this article below offers a number of beneficial tips that can give you some relief.

TIP! For safety’s sake, always test a new over-the-counter antihistamine at home. Test in small doses to ensure that the medicine doesn’t impair you in any negative way.

In the interest of safety, you should always try new allergy medications while safe at home. A lot of them can cause you to be very sleepy and slow your reflexes. Even when there is no severe warning listed on the label, take the initial dose whey you are in the comfort of your own home and do not need to operate a vehicle or anything else potentially hazardous if you become drowsy.

When the weather is nice, you may be tempted to open the windows in your home to save money on cooling costs. This could cause allergens to enter your home. For the best results, you can use a HEPA filter with your air conditioner, and that will decrease the allergens that circulate indoors. The air may not seem as fresh, but the lower level of allergens should help you breathe much easier.

TIP! Shower and wash hair before going to sleep. Pollen accumulates on your body and in your hair during the day, and could cause an allergic reaction as you try to sleep.

Whenever possible, opt for any type of flooring other than carpet in your home. Carpet fibers harbor allergens such as pollen, dander, dust mites and dust. No matter how much you clean, you will never get them all, and they will continue to cause irritation for people with allergies. Get hardwood or laminate flooring.

Before retiring, shower and shampoo your hair. Night-time allergy attacks can be caused by pollen and other allergens that have accumulated on your skin and in your hair during the day. Simply wash yourself quickly, and you are sure to have a much better sleep.

TIP! Even though skin tests can tell you what you are allergic to, they don’t tell you how extreme your allergies are. For instance, tests may show that you have sensitivity with a specific variety of spore.

It is virtually impossible to avoid dust mites. As the name implies, mites love to burrow in your mattress and pillows, feasting on your discarded skin cells! Eww! Soon consider investing into a zippered covering to keep your pillow fresh and clean. Be sure to wash the covers on a regular basis, in the hot water cycle.

The best pet for a person with allergies is one that has short fur or no fur at all. Although all pets may bother your allergies, animals that have long hair worsen allergies. You also want to avoid sleeping with your pets if you don’t want to have an allergic reaction.

TIP! If you exercise when the levels of pollen are high, make sure to do it in early morning or late at night. Research indicates that these are the times when pollen is at a low point, and you are likely to suffer the least ill effects.

If you have allergies, you already know how detrimental they can be when it comes to enjoying your life. There is no need to suffer in silence. You can do a lot to help your body function better and live a prosperous life. Use the tips this article has provided you with immediately.

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