Tips, Tricks, And Techniques To Keep Your Allergies Under Control

It is a proven fact that American spend roughly 90% of free time outside. However, more than 50& suffer from allergies. These numbers are astonishing. If you do suffer from allergies, you’re already aware of how hard it is to cope with symptoms. The piece that follows is full of great ideas on how to live your best life, even when dealing with your allergies.

TIP! If you can, do not have carpet or rugs in your house. Allergens like pollen, dust, dander, and mites tend to stick in carpet fibers, and people who are sensitive to them will find it is practically impossible to get rid of them entirely.

Whenever possible, opt for any type of flooring other than carpet in your home. It is practically impossible to keep carpets totally clean, as mites, dust, pollen and dander cling to the fibers and irritate those with allergies. Floors that can be efficiently cleaned are far more suitable when you have allergies.

Dust Mites

TIP! Some people are allergic to creepy little pests called dust mites. These microscopic creatures dwell within pillows and mattresses and make their meals on skin flakes that shed and accumulate.

It is impossible to avoid dust mites. As the name implies, they are happy to live in pillows and mattresses, consuming dead skin particles. Gross! In order to manage this problem, use zippered pillow cases and mattress covers. Wash your bedding once a week in hot water to eradicate dust mites.

If you must have a pet in your life, get one that is short-haired. The majority of animals can trigger allergic reactions, but longer-haired animals can make the condition even worse. As long as you consistently bathe the animals and do not allow it to sleep with you, you shouldn’t have that much of an issue.

TIP! The best pet for a person with allergies is one that has short fur or no fur at all. All pets tend to upset allergies, but those that have long hair are worse to deal with.

If you’re exercising when pollen levels are high, try doing it in the late evening or early morning. Studies show that pollen levels are lowest at these times of the day and you will be most comfortable.

If you frequently suffer from annoying allergy symptoms, be sure to keep track of the time of day! Between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m., pollen levels are at their highest; it is best to stay indoors during this period. If you have to go out, do not do too much and make it fast.

TIP! A plethora of allergy and antihistamine products are available over the counter, yet not all find relief from them. Ask your doctor for a sample pack or purchase the smallest package size available.

Don’t lose hope if every allergy treatment you have tried has not worked. When it comes to allergies, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. There are a wide range of medications and holistic treatments you can try. For instance, try over-the-counter nasal sprays and eye drops for allergy eyes or even prescription alternatives, such as leukotriene blockers and nasal steroids.

If you own pets but also have allergies, you might wonder if the animal really is causing your problems. The gold standard for testing for pet allergies is to visit an allergy specialist and have a pet dander test done. This does not necessarily mean you need to give up your pet, it just means you might need to find a solution that works.

TIP! Olive trees are very popular on the west coast in a warmer, sunnier climate. These trees, however, do have one drawback: they are veritable pollen factories.

As you are now aware, although we spend so much time outdoors, most of us are prone to allergy attacks. You can go anywhere and do anything now: go outside, play with pets and live a healthy lifestyle, no matter what your allergies.

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