How You Can Deal With Your Sleep Apnea

Resist the temptation to panic if you receive a sleep apnea diagnosis. While it can be dramatic and cause other serious issues, you can live normally with proper treatment. In order to deal with the condition effectively, you’ll want to educate yourself thoroughly on the topic; this article can help you there.

Sleep Apnea

Extra weight is a primary cause of sleep apnea. Every attempt should be made to lose weight if a person is overweight and has sleep apnea. Look for a sensible plan that includes both caloric restriction as well as exercise. Some amount of carbohydrate restriction is beneficial for many who are trying to lose weight as well.

A physician is the best person to ask about which CPAP machine is the right one to use for your specific situation. You need to take into consideration both the machine size and audible volume. Some are as small as a loaf of bread and quiet as a whisper. The doctor would be able to guide you to the right one to use.

Do you light up or knock some back every day? Eliminate bad habits. These substances influence your airways. Alcohol can relax airways while smoking can cause them to swell, both of which can cause you to have sleep apnea. If you can’t quit, at least don’t drink or smoke right before going to bed.

Quit smoking and drinking. Snoring and apnea are common occurrences for those with these habits because they relax the muscles in the airway. Giving up these habits can save you a lot of money as compared to expensive surgical procedures that might be needed later if you continue.

Upper Airway

Some people believe that you can strengthen you upper airway muscles by playing a musical instrument belonging to the woodwind family. In Germany, research has been done that suggests playing the didgeridoo will train the muscles of the upper airway. The muscles have a large impact on how well you breathe. This is why playing this instrument regularly will help strengthen these muscles, and reduce snoring and sleep apnea symptoms.

Get a mouth guard made specifically for you. These are made for people with sleep apnea. This is something that works well instead of using a CPAP, and it’s more comfortable. It keeps your air passageways wide open and clear by stabilizing your throat and holding it in the proper position.

You really should cut down on your alcohol consumption. Alcohol causes all the muscles in your body to lose their tension. That may be something people like when they drink, but it also can cause sleep apnea. Your throat muscles become relaxed and cause your airways to become blocked. While you might still drink, limit yourself and avoid it at bedtime.

Don’t underestimate the potential health consequences of sleep apnea. If you feel some of the symptoms, then you need to consult a physician as quickly as you can. After the diagnosis, you may be asked to take a sleep test, either at home or at a facility that specializes in sleep disorder testing.

Sleep Apnea

It’s best to lay on your side to sleep when you have sleep apnea. Many people with sleep apnea are used to sleeping on their backs. If you sleep on your back, your airway may become blocked when mouth tissues slide back. It is best to sleep on your side when you can. Put a pillow on your side if you always find yourself moving around during sleep.

Sleep apnea can harm your health if it’s left untreated. The good news is that there are several treatments available. Consult your doctor and show her this article. If you do have sleep apnea, you can use these tips to stop suffering and start living.

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